My boys love their bubble baths. Not only do they get 30 minutes of fun playing in the water with the bubbles, it is a welcome break for me. Win, win!
We decided to try Aleva’s Berry Bubble Bath; our household loves organic, natural and vegan products so this was definitely a plus. The product smelled really nice and I felt did not dry out their skin. This is a real positive for us as my younger one has dry skin and eczema.
I found that you did not need 3 cap fulls of the product as per the directions on the back. I would only use 1.5 cap fulls for their next bubble bath as that would have made plenty of bubbles.
The bubbles also lasted for a while. When I went to go check in on them after 15 minutes, the bubbles hadn't disappeared compared to other bubbles bath products we have tried in the past. The product is priced a little more than average bubble bath products, but it is all-natural/organic and not full of chemicals.
The bottle cost around $8.99 from Amazon and I would estimate can easily last 15 to 20 bubbles baths. I would rate this product a 5 star and definitely will be using this as our go-forward bubble bath product.
Tried and tested success.
I would highly recommend this product and would give it a product rating of 5 out of 5.
