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Everything Snuggles n Bubbles

Real Parents, Real Reviews


This platform will serve on getting you the right reviews from the right people. AKA the real users.

How many of us are faced with the challenge of not finding honest and truthful reviews and sometimes no reviews at all? As parents, we make a huge percentage of the consumer market. With all the options available in the market, not knowing the right product to buy has become more and more of a challenge. When it comes to travelling we know that trip advisor is the place to go for all our travelling needs. At Snuggles n Bubbles we want to offer you a platform to provide your feedback on tried and tested products for infants, toddlers and children.

Let’s keep it simple. There are 3 ways to get started:

Tried and Tested Product Reviews

If you have used a product that you think other parents can benefit from and want to review the product please email us and we will provide you instructions

Test a Product and Review

If you want to review products provided to us please email us your name and age of your child. We will keep this on file and connect with you when we have the right product for you to review.

Get your Products Reviewed

If you are a company and want a review done of a product, please email us with your product and the target age range. We will get the right mom to review your product.


The review of the product should be simple. State the product and what it is used for. Provide the pros and cons of the product. Rate the product out of 10. AND don’t forget pictures.


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